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ICEX Consortium Meeting in Athens 24.-25.10.2023

The ICEX partners from all four countries (Estonia, Finland, Greece and Portugal) met in Athens, at UNIWA’s campus to discuss and analyse the data, that the partners have collected in the last months, which will create the first work package – ICEX framework. This will become the base for the following work package – educational package – to eventually lead to be the  ICEX eHandbook.

Why do we need to meet face to face you may ask?

Well, these projects, eventually lead to necessary materials for the beneficiaries and for them to be thorough and well-done, everything cannot be discussed through the online-meeting platforms. Human connection is the best in these kinds of works and therefore, we will meet once a year during the project to discuss the matters in person. This will lead to the best results in these sensitive subjects.

During the two-day meeting in Athens, we got to meet each other and discuss the steps ahead. We also got to do a tour of UNIWA’s campus and see a bit of the city, as well as enjoy a nice dinner together. UNIWA was a great host!

The partners will meet once again in Lisbon, Portugal in April hosted by ESEL, to further move on with the work packages.

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