Safe sex practices = Important for protecting yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) = People can get infection through sexual contact. STI may not always cause symptoms, so it’s essential to get tested if you’re sexually active. STIs can be treated with medication. For example, chlamydia is a common STI.
Genitals = The inner and outer body parts of the male and female body that are related to reproduction and sex.
Screenings = Checking for disease when there are no symptoms. For example, A pap –test is important for cervical cancer screening for women.
STI testing = Medical tests that check the presence of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). STI testing may require a sample of urine, blood, tissue, or saliva.
Intercourse = Sex that involves penetration of one person’s vagina, anus, or mouth by another person for the sexual gratification of one or both parties.
Sore, blister, cuts, abrasions, discharge = Examples of changes in your genitalia, that might be a sign of STI or other health issues. If there is any kind of symptoms in your genitalia, go to the doctor.